Fun facts about about other US cities named Austin

Let’s dive into the history of Austin copycat cities.

A graphic map with pinpoints where other cities in the US named Austin are located.

Check out our interactive map to explore where other Austins are in the US.

Map by ATXtoday

Austin is unique for a lot of reasons — urban bat populations and an exceptionally large Capitol, for example — but it turns out, its name isn’t one of them.

There are 22 other towns called Austin in the US, ranging in location from Washington to Rhode Island. We put on our sleuthing caps and researched these Austin imposters — here’s what we learned about Austin, Oregon. 📍

  • Located inside of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Austin was once an important logging community and supplier for surrounding towns.
  • After reaching a peak population of ~500 people, the town is now a ghost town, with fewer than 35 residents.
  • Established in the late 1800s, the town is named for Minot and Linda Austin, early settlers who opened a hotel called Austin House. A business by the same name remains open in nearby Bates, OR.

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