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Austin bars are embracing the Halloween spirit with creepy cocktails, haunted decor, and ghoulish gatherings throughout October.
Project leaders want Congress Avenue to be more human-centered and have a “clear and attractive identity.”
The fourth-generation Austinite Baltierra sisters and “Soy Chingona” musicians have been performing in Austin for more than a decade.
The new location of The Flower Shop will be the hospitality group’s first venture outside of New York City, and open before this weekend.
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Consider these landmarks our Hollywood signs.
Autumn in Austin is packed with seasonal celebrations, holiday happenings, and festivals for foodies and live music fanatics.
From making sandwiches with feet to raising the oldest cat alive, Austinites are a talented bunch.
Let’s glow over the signage that lights up Austin nights and the local artists who make it happen.

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