Fancy a trip to Angers, France? Maybe to Lima, Peru? Or perhaps you would enjoy a trip to one of Austin’s other sister cities.
In total, Austin has 13 sister city relationships, which are agreements between two cities to foster camraderie. Austin also has three friendship city relationships — which is often the first step in the program — in Siem Reap, Cambodia; Tehuacán, Mexico; and Villefranche-sur-mer, France.
Sister cities are often created by elected officials to encourage business relations, trade, educational resources, cultural exchanges, or themes between places.
Let’s learn about Austin’s sister cities:
- Adelaide, Australia has been an Austin sister city for more than 40 years, and has a news anchor exchange between KXAN and Adelaide’s Channel 9.
- Angers, France created Levitation France, Austin Psych Fest’s first European festival.
- Antalya, Turkey created a partnership offering Turkish language classes at Austin Community College.
- Gwangmyeong, Korea sent 25 Gwangmyeong high school students to study at ACC Riverside Campus in 2012.
- Koblenz, Germany offers a dual degree program between UT and the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.
- London Borough of Hackney, United Kingdom created a partnership between ACC and Hackney Community College for students to collaborate online and in person in both cities.
- Lima, Peru works with Austin to create agricultural and artisan projects with the Women’s Association for Community Development.
- Maseru, Lesotho initiated a training exchange between surgeons, and received the Sister Cities International Special Achievement Award.
- Oita, Japan led to the annual Oita Japan Summer Festival at the Asian American Resource Center.
- Pune, India is the newest sister city, and was established in 2019.
- Saltillo, Mexico has partnered with Austin since 1968.
- Taichung, Taiwan exchanges students with Anderson High School.
- Xishuangbanna, China has the largest intact ancient rainforests in the world.
Which one do you want to visit first?