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Artists to watch: Alejandro Hendricks turned filmmaking from a dream into a reality

Hendricks — an AfroTech alum and rising star — is a local filmmaker who specializes in creating a moment through the magic of film.

Alejandro Hendricks wearing glasses, peering at the camera in the dark.

Hendricks’ “Lo-Fi Tapes” projects celebrate the nostalgia of early 2000s filmmaking.

Photo courtesy Alejandro Hendricks

For local filmmaker Alejandro Hendricks, making a film comes down to one thing: “seeing (a moment) come to life.”

Hendricks began making short films as early as high school and studied digital media at Texas State University. Now, he works across the country shooting narrative films, music videos, weddings, and documentaries.

We spoke with Hendricks after he presented his work at AfroTech, a traveling tech festival for Black industry professionals put on by The Center for Cultural Power.

In connection with his formative era, Hendricks finds most of his inspiration from early 2000s cinema and specializes in Lo-Fi cinematography.

Creating a moment is exactly what Hendricks did in his newest short film, “The Outskirts of Time,” which follows a young couple falling in love and won an award for best actor from the Austin Spotlight Film Festival.

Interested in having Hendricks shoot your film? Contact him via email.

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