Where is the average Austinite from?

More people were born and raised here than you’d think.

Kayakers on a sunny day at Lady Bird Lake.

But who’s really from Austin anyway?

Photo by @mrnorthstar

Be honest, are you from Austin?

According to Migration Patterns — using data from the United States Census Bureau43% of Austin residents were born and raised in the Capital City. We poked around on the map, which shows where people moved between the ages 16 and 26, and found a few interesting fun facts:

  • 69% of residents who moved to Austin by age 16 elected to stay through young adulthood.
    • 31% chose to leave the the city
    • 18% stayed in Texas — 3.9% moved to Houston, 3.1% moved to San Antonio, and 2.8% moved to Dallas
    • 13% chose to leave the state before age 26 — top destinations include Los Angeles, New York City, Denver, and Seattle
  • 56% of Austin residents came from out of the city.
    • 30% came from other areas of Texas — 6.7% came from Houston, 3.7% came from Dallas, 3.7% came from San Antonio, and 2% came from Fort Worth
    • 26% came from out of state — most common areas include Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC, and Boston

View the Austin map — or any other US city — for yourself.

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